简介:A journey from Suphan to the Kingdom of Ayothaya of a boy named Kaew, he travels with hope to be enlisted in the army in the time of war, there he meets Pim, his first love who is now engaged to a pe..
保诺影院提供英雄的崛起电影免费观看,以及免费在线观看《英雄的崛起》完整版全集1080P高清播放地址。由热爱动作片的网友上传至本网站的《英雄的崛起》在2019年于泰国地区由杰出导演:罗宁·提姆携手著名演员:马里奥·毛瑞尔,Jade-Angelica,Fromento,Supakorn,Kitsuwon,永瓦蕾·安尼柏尔,Nutthanaphol,Thinroj,Pramote,Seangsorn,阿彼维查·里尔顿,Chalee,Immak,Joseph,Sirinut,Apijundet一同努力尽心拍摄完成后上映;《英雄的崛起》是一部制作精良、演员表现出色的动作片;英雄的崛起剧情简述:A journey from Suphan to the Kingdom of Ayothaya of a boy named Kaew, he travels with hope to be enlisted in the army in the time of war, there he me..